Helping A Person During A Seizure

Many people suffer from short seizures that last for just a few minutes and that usually end by themselves without requiring medical intervention. However, some seizures are more severe and can lead to brain damage if not treated soon enough. It is important that you know how to respond when someone around you suffers from a seizure, as your efforts could be life-saving.

Typically, anyone suffering from frequent seizures should have an epilepsy care plan, where emergency medication is given to them, and care takers or family members advised on how to administer it in case of an attack. Here is a look at the emergency protocol to follow if someone suffers from an epileptic seizure.

During the seizure

Although it may be tough to watch a victim seizing, there is a lot you can do to help. The first step is to protect the person from injury by guiding them gently to the floor. Since loss of consciousness is followed by jerking movements, it is advisable to remove objects such as furniture that may injure the person. You should also position them on their side, allowing fluid to leak out of their mouth before they choke.

Never try to restrain the person's movements, as this could lead to a serious injury such as a dislocated shoulder. You should also never put any objects in their mouth during the seizure to avoid injuries to the teeth and jaw. In addition, cushion them to prevent head injuries.

The seizing should subside in a few minutes, after which you should place them in a recovery position - usually on their stomach - to aid breathing, and loosen any tight clothing around the neck that could restrict breathing.

When to call for emergency medical assistance

Call an ambulance immediately (or head to Alaska Urgent Care LLC) if a seizure goes on for more than a few minutes, or if one seizure is followed by another without the victim regaining consciousness in-between attacks. After calling for urgent care, try to locate an epilepsy identity card or other identification documents that would usually be carried by people with a history of seizures, as they could help with information about who the person is and what emergency treatments they could have on them that could help prevent the attack from becoming severe.

Two emergency medicines commonly prescribed in an epilepsy care plan are midazolam (given in the cheek or nose) and diazepam that is administered rectally. These medications can stop a seizure if administrated within the first few minutes of an attack, so look to see if the victim has any prescription at hand.
