Got P.A.D.? 3 Tips To Help Keep The Condition Under Control

Have you recently been diagnosed with peripheral artery disease (P.A.D., for short) or know someone who has the condition? If so, it is crucial that you are familiar with how to take care of your feet. This is because this particular disease leaves your feet particularly vulnerable to developing infections, ulcers and wounds. The reason for this is due to the fact that the P.A.D. causes less blood and oxygen to get various limbs, including your feet, thus causes injuries to heal at a slower rate.

Understanding The Ways Your Vagina Can Be Injured Or Changed After Birth – And How To Recover

The vagina is a very important part of a woman's body, both for her overall health and for the way it helps her give birth. After giving birth through a vagina, though, it may end up getting damaged or changed in certain ways. Thankfully, it is possible to repair these injuries and cosmetic changes. Vaginal Birth Is Wonderful...But It Can Be Harmful Giving birth via the vagina is the natural way to give birth, and it is one that most mothers try to do when they can.

Tips For Treating Your Vaginal Atrophy After Radiation Therapy

If you have recently undergone a total hysterectomy and radiation therapy for uterine cancer and are having symptoms of vaginal atrophy, then it is important you know that you are not alone. Vaginal atrophy is a very common issue for women who have radiation and hysterectomies who are not able to receive hormone replacement therapies. Thankfully, there are many safe things that you can do to improve your vaginal health and keep your vagina from furthering atrophying, such as each of the following tips: